High Holy Day worship with Congregation Ahavath Sholom, an affiliate of Reconstructing Judaism, is an inclusive experience. Rabbi Barbara Kipnis Cohen creates an atmosphere of intimacy and spiritual connection with the congregation and with the liturgy and music of this awe-filled time. This year, Ahavath Sholom will return to an in-person format for all services being held (unless otherwise listed) at the Berkshire South Community Center on Crissey Road in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.
Registration will be required to attend any of the services listed below. Please click the red buttons below for each service you wish to attend. For CAS members, the cost of High Holy Day registration is included in your membership; the cost for member immediate family guests is $100 per person for each holiday or $150 for both. The cost for non-members is $200 for either holiday or $350 for both.
It is a High Holy Day tradition to make a donation in memory of loved ones for Yizkor. We ask that you donate a minimum of $10 for each name. Email your list of names or names to be added to last year's list to arthurhillman54@gmail.com. If no changes from last year are necessary, simply indicate "same" in your email.
All payments (for services or Yizkor donations) can be made by clicking on the DONATE button below or by sending a check to Congregation Ahavath Sholom, P.O. Box 464, Great Barrington, MA 01230.
We look forward to hearing from you and to spending these meaningful days with you.
- Mon, Sep 25Berkshire South Community CenterNeilah at 5:30pm, followed by potluck break fast